A trip to the hospital is rarely a pleasant experience, whether you’re visiting a sick relative or undergoing a medical procedure yourself. But adding to the health-related anxiety, you often have the hassle of figuring out how to get where you’re supposed to go. Facilities that sprawl across multiple buildings, with countless lift banks, endless mazes of hallways, and cryptic signage, is the norm at many hospitals. Just getting to the right place at the right time feels like a feat.
You’re typically in a high state of anxiety in a hospital. There’s a study that showed that 30 to 40 percent of patients and visitors get lost at the hospital. Envent can improve the patient experience with indoor/outdoor hospital wayfinding solution that sends the direction to your mobile phone.
Our navigational technology, ENVENTION built into on-site touch screen kiosks that provide detailed indoor maps of medical facilities for patients and staff.
As soon as a visitor arrives at the entrance of the hospital, she is welcomed by a sleek & beautifully designed digital directory. Then a visitor can search where she needs to go and it shows the most direct route. There’s no need to download the app or sign up for an account. All you need is your phone.
From the patient perspective, the experience feels as quick and easy as once you search where you have to go and have it all in your phone, you no longer need to search for another directory or busy staff for directions. And for hospitals, it’s good for business, as it helps to drive down appointment no-shows, reduce the time staff spend giving directions, and improve customer satisfaction scores. Also hospitals can utilize the data on the most searched places and time to improve operations. It gives hospitals a sense of how a facility is being used and where the bottlenecks are.
Envent has installed 36 digital wayfinding kiosks at 6 hospitals in Australia, and more hospitals are realizing the benefit of using our innovative hospital wayfinding solutions that improves their visitors experience.
Find out more details on Hospital Digital Wayfinding, or contact us to discuss the best option for you.